Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Now Hold On!

What goal - physical or spiritual - are you working towards?

Do you see it? Taste it? Smell it?

The only way to manifest your dream is if you hold onto your vision of it for dear life. Otherwise life's trials and tribulations will cause you to lose your willpower.

"Whoever's pain is bigger than his vision of his goal will lose his vision as he succumbs to the pain."-Rav Ashlag

Get clear on what you want today. Now hold on!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

You need a Professional

Never doubt the importance of professional assistance. It may cost you a few bob but the end result will be well worth it!

Choose Evolution Personal Trainers as your professional of choice! It's the only way to achieve your health and fitness goals effectively.

The Little Frog

Once upon a time, a tiny frog fell into a giant bowl of cream. Unable to get out, the little fella kept kicking, kicking, kicking until finally the cream turned to butter, and he was able to jump to safety.

This is us. We are the frog. We can either give up hope when faced with impossible challenges, or we can kick, kick, kick until the curses turn to blessings. Rest assured, our Creator wants us to survive our battles, conquer our demons, and no matter how dark life may be, there is always Light at the end of the tunnel. Our challenge is to maintain our certainty and to continue fighting the good fight.Keep kicking today. Know that there is a solution to whatever it is that threatens to overwhelm you.